Eighteen-Eyed Dzi Bead|Protection Against Addictions and Negative Influences

Eighteen-Eyed Dzi Bead|Protection Against Addictions and Negative Influences

The Eighteen-Eyed Dzi Bead is a powerful talisman that helps protect against obsessions and aspirations. It also serves as a strong defense against the influence of others, making it particularly useful for fighting various addictions. This bead can help overcome dependencies on alcohol, drugs, nicotine, gambling, sex, computers, and food. If you or someone close to you struggles with these issues, the Eighteen-Eyed Dzi Bead can provide support in overcoming these addictive behaviors.

Psychological Injury Protection

In addition to its protective properties, the Eighteen-Eyed Dzi Bead helps relieve stress and aids in recovering from various mental injuries. It can weaken and eliminate negative psychological manifestations such as losses, disorders, resentment, anxiety, and other mental stressors. By wearing this Tibetan talisman, one can achieve peace of mind, a state of lightness, and joyful tranquility. This condition allows the wearer to cope with psychological pressure, become more restrained, and avoid impulsive actions.

Balancing the Psyche and Enhancing Karma

The Eighteen-Eyed Dzi Bead balances the psyche, helping to avoid impulsive desires and obsessive thoughts that lead to rash actions. Such actions increase karmic load and impede spiritual growth. Wearing this bead improves karma, helping to find peace within the soul. It stabilizes and harmonizes the inner world, making it easier to cope with life's challenges and psychological impacts.


Work with Kundalini

For those practicing yoga and working with internal energies, the Eighteen-Eyed Dzi Bead aids in working with the psychic energy of Kundalini. It clears the paths of this energy's movement, removing obstacles that prevent Kundalini from rising up the spine. Once the Kundalini starts to rise, this bead supports and harmonizes its movement, enhancing the spiritual journey.

About wearing Two-Eyed Dzi Bead

The Eighteen-Eyed Dzi Bead has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, stabilizing and harmonizing the inner world. It helps cope with addictions, life troubles, and various psychological impacts, bringing stability and peace to the soul. This bead is ideal for those experiencing stress, depression, or impulsive desires. It promotes calm, thoughtful actions, improving karma and aiding in spiritual self-improvement. Wear the Eighteen-Eyed Dzi Bead to remain calm in any situation and achieve both life and spiritual goals.

Eighteen-Eyed Dzi bead can be hung on a rope, bracelet or necklace as a love talisman.

Remember, the power of a Dzi bead lies not only in its symbolism, but also in your own beliefs and intentions. Wear this bead with respect and gratitude and let its energy work its magic in your life.

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